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How to Protect the Complete Customer Journey From Fraud

Learn best practices to navigate new fraud trends and maintain business growth while enhancing the customer journey.

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Robert Cifarelli

Director Mobile Consumer Success


Marta Rzeszowska

Director, Payments & Retail Solutions


Patrick Finnigan

Director, Loss Prevention Analytics & Fraud


Brady Harrison

Senior Data Analyst



Alison Simpson

Sr. Product/Content Marketing Manager


The pandemic has forced customers into new buying behaviors, including eCommerce-based contactless delivery methods such carryout, drive-thru, delivery, and curbside pickup. With these new commerce trends come new types of fraud with new risks. Learn from industry experts how to manage digital commerce growth by stopping fraud without customer friction.  


Discussion topics include:

  • Insights into new and emerging eCommerce trends
  • Benefits of using an all-in-one, AI-driven fraud protection platform
  • Strategies to protect your customers’ complete journey, from account creation and login to payments and disputes
  • How to reduce chargebacks, manual reviews, and false positives to increase approval rates and revenue
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fraud detection, chargeback protection, consumer insights, identity verification


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