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Jeffers Pet Achieves Immediate Results with Kount’s VTEX Integration

Jeffers Pet is one of the largest privately owned animal health supply companies in the United States. The company’s mission is to be a reliable and cost-efficient source for animal supplies. And they achieve that goal by offering a variety of animal health products and education about how to choose the best supplies for pets, horses, and livestock.

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New threats. Old fraud management strategies.

Jeffers Pet has been running an ecommerce site since the 90s. But fraud wasn’t a huge issue until recent years as newer and more sophisticated threats emerged. Fraudsters started attacking the website, causing disputes and chargebacks to skyrocket. 

As a result, the fraud team at Jeffers Pet had to manually review 300 or more orders a day to mitigate fraud. However, their efforts weren’t enough to stop chargebacks from accruing. 

Shortly after the attacks started, the company got notifications from Visa and Mastercard that they had to get the issue under control — and fast. The team knew they had to solve the problem at the source. But they didn’t have the resources to do that on their own. That’s when they sought help from the experts. 

“I think it’s common for people to think they’re fine because they don’t have fraud right now. But really, you need to be proactive about it. When I joined Jeffers Pet, I was told fraud wasn't an issue. So I left it at that, but I'm kicking myself now. Why didn't I just push that further to say: 'Let's just go ahead and put something in place. It's worth the investment.' It's much better to have something in place before fraud becomes a problem.”

— Cody Stapleton, Co-CEO & Chief Commercial Officer, Jeffers Pet


Fast integration. Fully customizable policies.

There were two main elements Jeffers Pet was looking for in a fraud prevention solution, and Kount was the only provider on the market that could meet those demands.


Jeffers Pet wanted to work with a provider that offered a seamless product integration with VTEX, the ecommerce platform that hosts the company website. They wouldn’t even consider a solution that couldn’t meet this essential need, because they couldn’t afford to wait months for an integration to be complete. They needed something up and running within hours — which is exactly what Kount was able to do.


Secondly, the company needed a solution that could address nuances specific to their business. For example, Jeffers Pet often gets orders that don’t look typical but are in fact legitimate. A standard black box solution would outright decline these orders. But Kount allows the company to set up rules to review or accept these anomalies instead.

“When we were looking at different fraud providers, we already knew what we wanted. And Kount provided exactly what we were looking for — the ability to set our own rules, risk thresholds, and manual review levels. So the decision to go with Kount was pretty easy.”

— Cody Stapleton, Co-CEO & Chief Commercial Officer, Jeffers Pet


Less chargebacks. More time to focus on growth.

Within a couple days of integrating Kount’s fraud detection technology, Jeffers Pet saw improvements on multiple KPIs. 

Once the solution was turned on, they saw an immediate decrease in fraudulent orders. The technology blocked fraudsters left and right — all without declining legitimate customers. 

What’s more, because of Kount’s ability to automate fraud decisioning, employees stopped spending hours manually reviewing every suspicious order. When they do review certain transactions, it only takes a matter of seconds. Overall, Kount’s technology has helped reduce manual reviews by about 90%

With less fraud and less strain on employees, Jeffers Pet has seen a dramatic reduction in chargebacks — which has not only improved their relationships with Visa and Mastercard but has reduced overall fraud and revenue loss. 

As a bonus, Jeffers Pet has started implementing Kount at other companies they own. And each website will have their own set of customized fraud rules to ensure they get the best protection possible. With Kount, Jeffers Pet not only gets the benefit of fraud prevention, but also the ability to grow safely and confidently.

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Kount has been well worth the investment. We’re in a much better place now compared to where we started. And with Kount, we’re going to continue saving money well into the future.

— Cody Stapleton, Co-CEO & Chief Commercial Officer, Jeffers Pet

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Looking for a fraud prevention solution with a quick and easy onboarding process?

Talk to us. We have direct integrations with some of the biggest ecommerce platforms on the market. We can get you up and running with fraud protection in a matter of hours.

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