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Kount Leadership Team

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Dan DeMichele

Senior Vice President, Product Management, Digital Solutions team at Equifax

Dan DeMichele is an accomplished and seasoned product management leader with more than 20 years of experience in driving product strategy and delivering successful high growth business solutions. In his role as Senior Vice President, Product Management for the Digital Solutions team at Equifax, he is responsible for overseeing product strategy, user experience design, and product management for the company’s Identity and Fraud solutions. 

Prior to joining Equifax, Dan served as product leader for a number of software and technology companies, through multiple acquisitions and an initial public offering (IPO). Most recently Dan was Vice President of Product at LastPass, a leading cybersecurity company where he helped the company achieve a 45% CAGR growth rate over four years. Prior to that role, he was Vice President of Product at IBM where he led a team responsible for the delivery of all cloud data services for Watson Analytics. He has also held product leadership positions at Cloudant, Unica, and Plumtree Software.

Dan is a native to the greater Boston, Massachusetts area and has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from Georgetown University.