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Kount Inc. performs real-time e-commerce internet order evaluations for merchants based on personal data provided to Kount by merchants from around the world. Kount acknowledges it has obligations to protect personal data under data privacy laws such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California’s Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and is committed to providing best in class fraud prevention services in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Data protection and security are, and always have been, a top priority at Kount. In addition to its proprietary security technologies, Kount is a PCI Level 1 service provider and undergoes extensive auditing, including a SOC 2, Type 2 audit, every year to ensure Kount’s technologies and processes are safe and secure.

Kount uses certain subcontractors to assist it in providing Kount’s services, including sub-processing of personal data. Kount is committed to partnering with subcontractors that meet or exceed the privacy and security obligations Kount is committed to providing to its clients. The following is an up-to-date list (as of the date of this policy) of the names and locations of Kount’s subcontractors:

Entity NameSubprocessing ActivitiesEntity Country

Amazon Web Services, Inc.

Cloud Service Provider

United States

Google, LLC

Cloud Service Provider

United States

Snowflake, Inc.

Cloud Service Software

United States

Cloudflare, Inc.

Cloud Infrastructure Protection

United States


Kount owns or controls access to the information systems infrastructure that Kount uses to provide Kount’s Services, other than as set forth herein. Currently, Kount’s production information systems used for hosting the Services are located in co-location facilities in the United States in the infrastructure sub-processors listed below:

Entity NameSubprocessing ActivitiesEntity Country

Equinix, Inc.

Data Center

United States