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Manage risks confidently with digital trust and safety technology

Are potential threats and unknowns hindering you from taking your business to the next level? Looking for a more secure way to grow? Kount can help. No matter your industry. No matter the challenge. We deliver confidence in every interaction. 

See how it works
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fraud detection, chargeback protection, consumer insights, identity verification
trust and safety problems


Recognizing modern business problems

Consumers today live a digital-driven life. Mobile experiences and online platforms are becoming the norm, making in-person interactions seem outdated and inefficient. While this digital-first mindset offers unlimited earning potential for businesses, it also introduces unexpected challenges. 


Fraudsters and opportunistic customers change tactics, so new threats emerge every day. Management strategies that were effective yesterday might not work tomorrow.


Every part of your business is regulated with confusing, ever-changing rules. It’s hard to know which strategies will benefit your business yet also comply with expectations.

Labor & Time

Managing risk — like false identities, payment fraud, chargebacks, and regulatory compliance — involves tons of repetitive, error-prone tasks. All that manual work takes a lot of time and effort.


Margins are tight. You can't afford to lose money. Yet everything from advertising costs to revenue earned slips away with every new threat you face. And associated fees add insult to injury.


Technology adoption is difficult. Integration processes are long and complex. Using multiple platforms segments data and responsibilities. Plus, it all involves a lot of red tape and paperwork.


Solving problems with Kount’s trust and safety

We believe the solution to modern business challenges is trust and safety technology. 

Trust and safety is increasing the likelihood of positive, profitable interactions. This involves detecting and resolving potentially harmful interactions to protect a business and its customers. At Kount, digital trust and safety goes one step further to also identify opportunities to safely and strategically increase revenue. 

By combining data, advanced machine learning, and decades of experience in one platform, Kount’s trust and safety technology helps businesses achieve confidence in every interaction.

Kount’s trust and safety is...

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We aren’t a black box solution. We give you full insights into why and how decisions are made. After all, the data is yours, and we make it available to you so you can see exactly what is and isn’t working. Then, you can adjust settings as needed. Thus, saving time and money on facts and results rather than wasting dollars on hunches and guesses.

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No matter what issues you’re facing today, we offer everything you need for complete trust and safety. Full protection comes in layers. And fortunately, we make it simple and easy to get that coverage by combining multiple solutions into one technology. Fewer platforms means better efficiencies across your business. 

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Our technology works with your existing processes, skills, and resources. Customize it to fit your needs by automating as much or as little as you want and setting unique policies relevant to your goals. As your business changes and evolves, so do we. You can adjust and update the technology at any time, however you need. 

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We’ve been in this industry longer than anyone else. We have more data and experience, so we know what it takes to be successful. And we share those insights with you so you always have the best results possible. From getting started to adjusting strategies, our trust and safety professionals are here to help.


Advanced technology with unique features

Kount’s trust and safety technology consists of three main elements.

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Kount's robust data


Our unique combination of data from Kount + Equifax includes decades of insights from merchants all over the world in a variety of industries. Our data and experience is unmatched. We’ve been analyzing this data for decades, contextualizing patterns and trends to better predict behavior. We don’t make guesses. We work with facts.

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Trust and safety technology with machine learning

Machine learning

Your team of safety professionals can only do so much before they need breaks. Machine learning works around the clock, replacing time consuming and error-prone manual processes with automation. Kount uses two types of machine learning — supervised and unsupervised — to provide the most accurate, efficient, and consistent results possible.  You decide how much or how little is automated. The technology does the rest.

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Trust and safety technology with custom policies


You’re the one who knows what’s best for your business. Set custom policies based on more than 300 data points. Create rules for specific use cases — such as blocking transactions from a particular country when they’re over a certain amount. Then, easily update policies as your business grows and needs change. 


How trust and safety can benefit you

How can your trust and safety teams use Kount? There are a variety of issues that commonly plague businesses today. And we have a full spectrum of solutions to address these problems.

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Account protection

When fraudsters and opportunistic customers create fake accounts to abuse sign up promotions or commit other acts of fraud, it hurts your business. You waste marketing spend and you open the door to other attacks. But with trust and safety solutions, you can stop these schemes at the front gate by adding friction to suspicious account openings and blocking fraudsters.

Recover revenue

Chargeback management

Chargebacks are unfair — especially when customers abuse the dispute process by making false fraud claims. Our solutions help prevent the most chargebacks possible and provide the tools to reclaim revenue when they are unavoidable. No matter what happens, our goal is to help you retain your hard-earned dollars.

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Payment security

Payments come with risks. It’s just part of doing business, right? But what if there was a way to increase transaction volumes, add new accepted forms of payment, and offer omnichannel support without adding more risk? With trust and safety technology you truly can have it all. Grow your business confidently, protect payments, and minimize threats.

Kount pricing for trust and safety


How much does trust and safety technology cost?

We value being open, transparent, and honest about what we offer and how much it all costs. Managing risks is complex. But we try to simplify our pricing structure and invoicing as much as possible. 

The cost of trust and safety can vary and is largely dependent on the solutions you choose. For most, we offer per-interaction pricing so you only pay for what you use. But we also offer discounts when you bundle multiple solutions.

For a more detailed estimate of expenses, visit our pricing page.


Frequently asked questions about trust and safety technology

Our trust and safety technology includes a whole spectrum of solutions that not only protect your business but help you grow. We offer consumer insights and authorization optimization solutions to help you improve marketing campaigns, conduct additional risk assessments, increase order approvals, and more. 

With consumer insights, you get actionable data — insights about past consumer behavior and assessment scores for trustworthiness and legitimacy. This data helps you make better decisions about who to do business with and how. For example, you can increase retention rates by sending personalized social media offers and discounts to customers. 

Authorization optimization helps increase approval rates by relaying more detailed transaction information to banks. Essentially, it fills in gaps of information. Often, banks will decline an order because there is little information about the transaction and where it came from. So, to a bank it may look suspicious. But this solution gives banks all the information they need to more accurately accept or decline transactions.

There isn’t a difference, per say. We like to think of trust and safety as an all-encompassing technology solution that provides end-to-end protection for businesses and their customers. Fraud detection is part of it. But trust and safety goes beyond just fraud — starting with identity verification, moving through the stages of the customer experience, and then providing opportunities for businesses to grow their consumer base in the future. 

Yes, we do! We have launched Kount Community — an online platform created just for Kount customers. There, you can discuss Kount products, industry secrets, best practices, troubleshooting tips, and more. You can gain new insights, connect with peers, and provide feedback for the Kount product team. 

Please note that all posts are subject to content moderation. We want this platform to be a safe and productive environment for our valued customers. For more information about the platform and community guidelines, check out our FAQ.

Schedule a demo


Grow confidently with trust and safety technology

Companies from all over the world use Kount to safely expand their business. Will you be next? Sign up for a demo today, and see what it’s like to have confidence in every interaction. 

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Client testimonials

See how Kount’s digital trust and safety technology has helped companies in a variety of industries do more than just fight fraud. We’ll help you grow, improve business efficiencies, and develop a complete risk management strategy.


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Kount for Getty Images

Getty Images

Getty Images is one of the world’s largest suppliers of stock images, editorial photography, video, and music for business and consumers. So they have quite a reputation to uphold.

The company’s ecommerce site has grown exponentially over the years. And unfortunately, that growth came with fraud and chargebacks. When the issues started to get out of hand, the company turned to Kount for help.

Not only did Kount quickly reduce fraud and chargeback rates but also helped Getty Images find ways to deliver better customer experiences. Kount is not just a fraud solution — it’s a complete trust and safety platform.


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GNC + Kount


GNC is a retail company that offers health and nutrition products like vitamins, supplements, minerals, and more. The company’s goal is to help their customers live their best lives. To achieve that mission, GNC works hard to give customers easy online shopping experiences tailored to their individual needs.

Kount allows the company to safely offer a variety of checkout and payment options — such as buy now, pick up in store and subscription billing. GNC can deliver exceptional customer experiences without having to worry about fraud risks or chargebacks.


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PersonSearch featured image


PersonSearch helps customers make informed decisions about who they interact with. It started as a small business, but grew quickly over the past few years. Unfortunately, their fraud solution wasn’t able to scale with that growth.

That’s when they sought outside help and found Kount — a complete digital trust & safety solution that could scale with their business. The company was able to create a multi-layer strategy to prevent as much fraud as possible and improve their overall risk management process.


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Online gaming fraud prevention

Drop-In Gaming

Drop-In Gaming is a social and competitive online gaming platform. Everything they do is about creating a safe, fun space for gamers to compete with each other and win prizes.

From the start, Drop-In Gaming knew they needed help from the experts to get their platform up and running safely. So they teamed up with Kount. And ever since the launch of their business, they’ve had zero chargebacks, zero instances of fraud.

Kount provides complete and total safety — from making sure that gamers are legit to helping the business stay compliant with all laws and regulations.