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How Conekta Uses Kount to Protect Merchants and Reduce Chargebacks

Kount for Conekta
Conekta Logo

Conekta is an online payment platform based in Mexico that allows merchants to accept cash payments, process card transactions, and handle bank transfers for their online businesses.


Inefficient solutions cause high chargeback rates.

Conekta works hard to ensure their merchants are well-protected and prepared to manage chargebacks. Prior to using Kount, Conekta tried other fraud prevention solutions. But they weren’t working well enough.

Because the other solutions were inefficient, customers were experiencing an unmanageable amount of chargebacks. One merchant’s chargeback rate was at risk of breaching chargeback thresholds. Conekta knew there had to be a better solution that could give their merchants greater protection.


Better policies and risk management.

Kount allowed Conekta to create a multi-point fraud and risk strategy — with custom policies designed for different verticals, merchants, and transaction types. The best part is that Conekta can scale the solution to fit their needs as the company grows.

More than customization, Conekta can now easily communicate with merchants about transaction decisions — resulting in less inquiries to the support team.


Kount has been a great partner. We are growing our sales by approving more orders and reducing chargeback rates by more than 50% for some merchants and specific verticals.

José Andrés Chávez, Anti-Fraud Operations, Conekta


Less chargebacks, smoother internal processes.

After implementing Kount, Conekta saw over a 50% reduction in chargebacks for key merchant accounts and verticals. Plus, their merchants received fewer false positives and submitted about half as many inquiries to Conekta’s support team.

Additionally, Conekta was able to offer their merchants the ability to manually review suspicious transactions — allowing Conketa to further differentiate their offerings from competitors.

Conteka Graph 1
Graph showing a line decreasing to the right with 50%

Kount has been a great partner. Their combination of tools, service, and people that understand our business makes it easy for us to sleep better at night.

José Andrés Chávez, Anti-Fraud Operations, Conekta

Kount dashboard


Give your merchants the best risk management solution possible

Want to set your merchants up for success? Partner with us. We can help you deliver industry-leading fraud solutions and chargeback protection for all of your merchants.