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39% of shoppers initiate more disputes now than in 2020 (infographic)

Morgan Ackley | Wednesday, February 1st, 2023 | 2 minutes

Disputes and chargebacks are an issue for many online businesses. But how significant is the issue? Check our infographic for valuable insights.

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Dispute infographic 2
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dispute infographic 4
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1 “Chargeback fraud: What are chargebacks, and how can businesses prevent them?”; Kount; April 2021

2 “Understanding Credit Card Processing Fees and Chargebacks”; Dawn Allcot; U.S. Chamber of Commerce; 2021

3 “39% of eCommerce Shoppers Are Initiating More Disputes”; PYMNTS; February 2022

4 “Ethoca and Aite Group Research Finds Cardholders Are Eager for Digital Solutions that Deliver Greater Purchase Transparency”; Mastercard; June 2020

5 “Digital payment opportunities and chargeback risks in 2021”; Kount; July 2021

6 “‘I didn’t buy that … did I?’: Helping shoppers solve the mystery of ‘friendly fraud’”; Mastercard; June 2020

7 “14 direct and hidden costs of chargebacks”; Kount; 2021

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Morgan Ackley

Content Strategist

Morgan has worked in the tech industry for over 5 years. Her breadth of knowledge and curiosity about technology and all things fraud-related drive her to craft compelling, educational pieces for readers seeking answers.