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Browse in-depth resources explaining the initiative. 


Learn about the solutions that offer CE 3.0 protections.


Check troubleshooting guides and related policy updates. 


The Complete Guide to Visa CE 3.0

Want to know more about the Visa CE 3.0 initiative? Have questions or looking for help? We have everything you could possibly need, all in one easy-to-use guide. 

The Complete Guide to Visa CE 3.0


Learn more about Visa CE 3.0

We have several resources that provide a detailed overview of the Visa CE 3.0 initiative. 

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Easy-to-understand blog article

Easy-to-understand blog article

We've written the industry's most detailed — yet easy-to-understand — article about Visa CE 3.0. Not only do we share the policy updates, but we also explain the initiative's potential impact — both the benefits and the drawbacks. 

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Fireside chat with Verifi

Fireside chat with Verifi

The Kount team was joined by experts from Verifi to share the most authoritative overview of Visa CE 3.0. Industry veterans shared insights you won't find anywhere else. Don't miss this unique educational opportunity!  

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Webinar to get you started

Webinar to get you started

Hundreds of merchants turned up to learn actionable implementation tips from Kount's team of experts. If you want to launch Visa CE 3.0, this webinar will help you prepare. 


Start protecting your business

Want to use Visa CE 3.0 to protect your business? Here is what's involved. 

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order validation

Pre-dispute solution

Order Insight can share transaction data in real time to challenge false fraud claims. Use this solution to stop chargebacks before they happen.  

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Formatting data

Formatting data

Make sure you fully understand what qualifies as eligible data elements. And find out how to format your data so it can be shared via the new Visa CE 3.0 workflow. 

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Monitoring program

Monitoring program

Intentionally or inadvertently sending invalid data can cause you to lose CE 3.0 protections. Learn how to avoid Visa's latest monitoring program — and find out how to exit the program if you are enrolled.

Schedule a call


Solutions and expertise when you need it

Kount is the industry's leading trust and safety technology company. We can help you with whatever fraud and chargeback challenges you face — everything from answering questions to helping you integrated with Visa CE 3.0 technology platforms. Want to strike up a conversation? Schedule a call with our team. 

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