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Promotional Abuse (Promo Abuse)

Promotional abuse occurs when fraudsters exploit promotional offers, discounts, or incentives provided by businesses in ways that were not intended by the terms of the promotion. This can include using multiple accounts to redeem offers many times, returning items bought with discounts for a full refund, or similar tactics to gain unfair advantage.

Promo abuse can lead to significant financial losses for businesses and distort the intended benefits of marketing campaigns. It undermines the fairness and integrity of promotional offers, often resulting in higher costs and reduced effectiveness.

To help prevent promo abuse, businesses implement measures such as limiting the number of redemptions per customer, using advanced fraud detection tools to monitor suspicious activity, and clearly outlining and enforcing the terms and conditions of promotions. Ensuring robust verification processes and regularly reviewing promotional strategies can further protect against abuse.

Why Promo Abuse Fraud Hurts and How to Prevent It
Improve customer experiences with loyalty program fraud prevention

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