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Prevent revenue loss with fraud detection software

Want to maintain positive revenue growth? And worry less about events that can harm your business? Kount can help. Our fraud prevention and detection software can stop threats and improve business operations so you can focus on increasing revenue.

See how it works
Fraud detection hero


How fraud is detected and prevented

The key to fraud prevention is data — collecting data, evaluating data, and using data to drive decisions. You choose how much decisioning is automated, and the technology does the rest.

fraud detection software

An interaction is detected.

A user initiates an interaction with your business such as creating an account, entering payment information, or logging into an existing account.


Data is collected.

The technology collects data about the user, such as personal information, device ID, and location. 


A risk score is calculated.

The technology analyses the data in real time, compares it to billions of data points across a global network, and assigns the interaction a risk score.


Policies are consulted.

The technology evaluates data collected from the user against your business policies and risk thresholds. 


The interaction is accepted, blocked, or challenged.

Within milliseconds, the technology makes a decision and automatically accepts, blocks, or challenges the interaction. 


Fraudulent activities are prevented.

The technology stops fraud — debit and credit card fraud, account takeover attacks, bot activity, and more.


Benefits you can’t afford to miss

Without solid fraud detection methods and systems, your business is exposed to countless threats. But with the right tools and strategies, you can safely grow your business. 

WITHOUT fraud protection

  • Reactive
  • Fraudulent transactions
  • Identity theft
  • Friction
  • False positives
  • Manual reviews
  • Exposed revenue
  • Penalties and fees
  • Damaged reputation
  • Time consuming
  • Hunches and guesses

WITH fraud protection

  • Proactive
  • Good orders
  • Identity verification
  • User-friendly
  • Accurate decisions
  • Efficient automation
  • Protected revenue
  • Compliant processes
  • Trusted brand
  • Cost-effective
  • Data-driven


Added value achieves better results

Why choose Kount for fraud detection and prevention? Here’s what sets us apart.

kount icon card and lock

Complete strategy

No matter the type of fraud — common types like payment card fraud to complex types like account takeover — Kount has you covered with an end-to-end strategy. And it's all available in an easy-to-access platform.

kount icon historical data

Historical data

Kount was one of the first fraud management companies to enter the market. That means we have 15 years worth of data — a decade more than other service providers. A longer history means Kount has the best understanding of risk. 

machine learning reactivity

Better results

Kount gives you the most accurate risk assessments possible with better fraud prevention and fewer false positives. Plus, you get full access to decision data analytics, so you have complete transparency on what is happening and why. 

customer experience

Machine learning

Some fraud companies claim to incorporate supervised machine learning — the most basic capability — into their platform. But Kount utilises both supervised and unsupervised learning. By combining multiple machine learning models, Kount has greater insights which lead to the most accurate decisions.

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Flexible automation

Kount is a best-in-class technology platform that can reduce time-consuming, manually-intensive, error-prone processes. But automation doesn’t blindly dictate how your business should be run. You have full control over how decisions are made and the level of risk you are willing to accept.

Account Protection Shield and Star

Unmatched expertise

The Kount team is made up of professionals with dozens of years’ experience. We know what it takes to stop criminals from committing fraud. And we will readily share those insights with you. Our goal is to help clients continuously improve results by fine tuning their strategy as threats evolve over time.


What our clients are saying

"I love Kount. I have been working in fraud detection and analysis for over 10 years. I have used, reviewed, and I'm familiar with almost all the softwares out there, and I must say that Kount stands out to me as one of the best — if not the best anti-fraud tool in the entire industry."


Christian Z.

Fraud and Chargeback Analyst

"Kount allows us to continue to serve the customer to the best of our ability without having to slow things down, without having to say no to the customer."


Chad Funk

Fraud Specialist

"We were suffering from serious fraud attacks and our previous software was canceling good orders — and letting through fraud. With Kount, our chargebacks went down from 5-6% to under 1% within 6 months."


Dennis L.

Fraud Prevention Coordinator

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See how your business can benefit from fraud detection

Thousands of companies from all over the world use Kount for fraud detection and prevention. Will you be next? Sign up for a demo today, and see what it’s like to have confidence in every interaction.