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The representment process allows merchants to respond to chargebacks. The purpose of representment is to prove the validity of the original transaction and recover the revenue that the chargeback revoked.

What is Involved in a Representment?

When a cardholder disputes a transaction, the issuer sends the chargeback to the merchant’s acquirer via the card network. The acquirer notifies the merchant of the chargeback.

If the merchant chooses to respond to the chargeback, a representment can be submitted within the allotted time frame.

Each representment must include compelling evidence — documents and other information that prove the transaction was authorized and goods or services were provided as promised. The chargeback reason code dictates which pieces of evidence are applicable. If the merchant doesn’t have sufficient compelling evidence, representment rights are forfeited and the chargeback stands.

Representment packages are compiled by the merchant and submitted to the issuer via the acquirer. The issuer will review the representment and issue a verdict. If the issuer finds the representment validates the original transaction, the chargeback is overturned. Funds are returned to the merchant and the cardholder is charged a second time. If the issuer deems the representment isn’t compelling, the chargeback stands.

Manual vs. Automated Representments

There are two ways to create and submit a representment: manually or automatically.

Because manually creating and submitting representments is a labor-intensive, time-consuming, error-prone process, many merchants don’t bother. They simply accept the chargeback and sacrifice the revenue.

However, automation offers a valuable alternative to manual processes. Benefits include:

  • Elimination of errors
  • Reduction in costs
  • Better win rates and more revenue recovered
  • Higher ROI
  • In-house teams focused on growing the business

If merchants work with Kount, the entire representment process can be automated. Kount has the best success (highest win rates) of any other solution.

Also referred to as:

  • Second presentment
  • Dispute response

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