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Central Restaurant Products Cuts Fraud Losses and Manual Reviews

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Central Restaurant Products logo


reduction in fraud losses


drop in chargeback rate

< 30

seconds spent on reviews

Central Restaurant Products sells restaurant supplies and equipment to businesses in the food service industry throughout the U.S. and North America. They pride themselves on building strong relationships with customers, ensuring each one gets the perfect product solution.


Manual processes become difficult to scale.

Over the years, the team at Central Restaurant Products learned to recognize payment card fraud. But they relied on a very manual process to manage risk. That meant reviewing every order — confirming shipping addresses by searching Google maps, verifying business licenses with Secretary of State offices, or calling in credit card numbers to banks. 

As sales surged, they needed a more efficient fraud prevention strategy — one that could scale as their order volume expanded. And after reviewing a number of potential providers, Central Restaurant Products chose Kount.


Efficiency at its best.

In less than a month, Central Restaurant Products was up and running with Kount. The team is now able to review a lot more orders in significantly less time — usually within seconds. 

Not only has efficiency improved, but fraud prevention has become vastly more effective, allowing Central Restaurant Products to safely ship orders the same day.  And the team can modify business policies as needed to keep up with emerging threats.


Kount seemed like the best product as well as the best fit for us.

— Nick Wallpe, Director of Customer Service


Better fraud management leads to sustainable growth.

After implementing Kount, Central Restaurant Products cut fraud losses by 77% — avoiding an average of $16,000 in product losses each quarter. With orders averaging around $1,000, preventing fraud on each transaction is critical. And as fraud decreased, so did their chargeback rate.

Best of all, the team gained valuable time and resources back to focus on business growth. Because Central Restaurant Products is committed to providing the best customer service possible, they still review orders. However, reviews that took hours before now average less than 30 seconds for each order.

CRP manual reviews after Kount
CRP chargebacks after Kount

Kount is really worth the price. It’s more than paying for itself. We have never had an issue with uptime or outages, the website performance and response time are great, and the features make doing our job much easier.

— Nick Wallpe, Director of Customer Service

Kount dashboard


Don’t let fraud steal time or resources from your business

Want to cut fraud losses and reduce manual reviews like Central Restaurant Products? Get in touch with us. We offer customizable solutions to fit your unique business needs.

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