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U.S. Government Denied Parties

U.S. Government Denied Parties are individuals, companies, or organizations that are prohibited from engaging in specific activities or transactions with U.S. entities due to national security, foreign policy, or trade sanction reasons. These parties are listed on various government-maintained lists, including the Denied Persons List (DPL), the Entity List, and the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list.

U.S. businesses must comply with government regulations by screening customers, partners, and all transactions against these denied party lists. Engaging in business with a denied party can result in severe penalties, including fines, loss of export privileges, and legal action. Robust compliance programs, which include automated screening tools and regular audits, help organizations avoid inadvertently conducting activities with denied parties.

The most complete solution for global watchlist search
Level up your identity, fraud and AML compliance strategies within government

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