Limited Time Welcome Deal

Kount + Midigator Special client offer

Three months of Kount's fraud prevention services for FREE with a 12 month contract!

Midigator is excited to partner with Kount, a leader in identity verification and fraud prevention solutions. Our goal is to provide clients with the best tools to combat fraud. And with Kount's comprehensive suite of fraud prevention solutions and Midigator's chargeback technology, you'll have an unbeatable combination to protect your business’s revenue.

Select a time on the calendar to schedule a call with a member of the Kount team. You’ll have the chance to ask your questions and learn more about the special offer available of Kount's fraud prevention services for FREE.


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"If every business had Kount, fraudulent ecommerce wouldn’t be nearly as lucrative to criminals. The product works, and working with Kount’s customer support has been one of the best professional experiences I’ve had."


Mark Van Vliet

VP of Strategic Initiatives

"We were suffering from serious fraud attacks and our previous software was canceling good orders — and letting through fraud. With Kount, our chargebacks went down from 5-6% to under 1% within 6 months."


Dennis L.

Fraud Prevention Coordinator

"The cost per transaction is very low, when you compare it to the cost of a chargeback. This software has helped save us hundreds of thousands of dollars."


Will F.