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Fraud detection software built to prevent revenue loss

Want to prioritize revenue growth and worry less about fraud? Kount is here to help. Our fraud prevention solution stops threats in real time and improves business operations so you can focus on increasing revenue.

See how it works
Fraud detection


How fraud is detected and prevented

The key to fraud prevention is data — collecting data, evaluating fraud patterns, and using data to drive decisions. You choose how much decisioning is automated, and the technology does the rest.

fraud detection software

An interaction is detected.

A user initiates an interaction with your business such as creating an account, entering payment information, or logging into an existing account.


Data is collected.

The technology collects data about the user, such as personal information, device ID, and location. 


A risk score is calculated.

The technology analyzes the data in real time, compares it to billions of data points across a global network, and assigns the interaction a risk score.


Policies are consulted.

The technology evaluates data collected from the user against your business policies and risk thresholds. 


The interaction is accepted, blocked, or challenged.

Within milliseconds, the technology makes a decision and automatically accepts, blocks, or challenges the interaction — without negatively impacting the user experience for good customers.


Fraudulent activities are prevented.

The technology stops fraud — debit and credit card fraud, account takeover attacks, bot activity, and more.

Serving thousands of businesses across the globe


Proven-effective fraud prevention

Our technology has won countless awards and recognitions. We are regularly named the industry’s best solution provider by independent analysts. And our satisfied customers are eager to share their praises. 

Juniper Established Leader
Quadrant technology leader
CNP Best Anti-Fraud Solution
G2 Leader
Capterra reviews


Full protection. No matter the risk.

How would you use Kount to confidently grow your business? Our machine learning fraud detection technology can be used to address any risk your business faces. Whether you are dealing with one threat or several, Kount can help.

card testing

Card testing fraud

Stop criminals from using your business to test the validity of stolen payment information. Block unauthorized transactions and avoid the resulting chargebacks.

Loyalty Program Fraud

Loyalty program fraud

Don’t let opportunistic customers abuse your promotions and special offers. Prevent fraudsters from hacking into accounts and stealing loyalty program rewards.

elder abuse

Elder fraud abuse

Detect scams targeting vulnerable consumers and protect against elder abuse. Guard your business from financial loss and reputational damage.  

Egift card fraud header image

Gift card fraud

Prevent gift card fraud at all points along the customer journey — stealing stored balances from accounts, making unauthorized purchases, hacking numbers, conducting scams, and more.

ecommerce fraud prevention blog article

Payment fraud

Safely process online payments without the fear of fraud. Recognize when fraudsters are attempting purchases with stolen payment information. Block suspicious activity without impacting good customers.

refunding service header image

Refund fraud

Reduce the risk of fraudulent returns and unjustified refunds. Decline purchases and refund requests for shoppers with a history of fraud. Use data to detect patterns and set controls around high-risk merchandise. 


Benefits you can’t afford to miss

Without solid fraud detection methods and systems, your business is exposed to countless threats. But with the right fraud software and strategies, you can safely grow your business. 

WITHOUT fraud protection

  • Reactive
  • Fraudulent transactions
  • Identity theft
  • Friction
  • False positives
  • Manual reviews
  • Exposed revenue
  • Penalties and fees
  • Damaged reputation
  • Time consuming
  • Hunches and guesses

WITH fraud protection

  • Proactive
  • Good orders
  • Identity verification
  • User-friendly
  • Accurate decisions
  • Efficient automation
  • Protected revenue
  • Compliant processes
  • Trusted brand
  • Cost-effective
  • Data-driven


Added value achieves better results

Why choose Kount for fraud detection and prevention? Here’s what sets us apart.

kount icon card and lock

Complete strategy

No matter the types of fraud — from common concerns like payment card fraud to complex issues like account takeover — Kount has you covered with an end-to-end strategy. And it's all available in an easy-to-access platform.

kount icon historical data

Historical data

Kount was one of the first fraud management companies to enter the market. That means we have 15 years worth of data — a decade more than other service providers. A longer history means Kount has the best understanding of risk. 

machine learning reactivity

Better results

Kount gives you the most accurate risk assessments possible with better fraud prevention and fewer false positives. Plus, you get full access to decision data analytics, so you have complete transparency on what is happening and why. 

customer experience

Machine learning

Some fraud tools claim to incorporate supervised machine learning — the most basic capability — into their platform. But Kount utilizes both supervised and unsupervised learning. By combining multiple machine learning models, Kount has greater insights which lead to the most accurate decisions.

kount icon automation

Flexible automation

Kount is a best-in-class technology platform that can reduce time-consuming, labor-intensive, error-prone processes. But automation doesn’t blindly dictate how your business should be run. You have full control over how decisions are made and the level of risk you are willing to accept.

Account Protection Shield and Star

Unmatched expertise

The Kount team is made up of professionals with dozens of years’ experience. We know what it takes to stop criminals from committing fraud. And we will readily share those insights with you. Our goal is to help clients continuously improve results by fine tuning their strategy as threats evolve over time.


Frequently asked questions

Yes! Kount has direct integrations with the industry’s biggest ecommerce platforms. Because we’ve already done all the development work, the integration process usually involves just a couple clicks.  

Visit our platform pages to learn more: 

Because of these integrations, our fraud decisioning results can usually be displayed directly in the platform dashboard. This makes it easy to monitor all your most relevant payment information in one place. 

If you ever change ecommerce platforms or want to upgrade to Kount’s more robust solutions, our team of experts will make the transition as simple as possible. Our technology is flexible and designed to work with your existing processes, resources, and abilities — whatever those may be!

Kount can work with any processor or gateway. We don’t have a specific platform you have to use. And we can accommodate any setup you are currently using. 

In addition to your processor or gateway, you may want to connect Kount to other platforms too — like your customer relationship management (CRM) or order management system, ecommerce platform, website, or mobile app. 

The data stored in these different platforms can help us make accurate risk assessments about the individuals interacting with your business. And there are a couple different ways Kount can integrate with these platforms. 

  • Your development team can use an application programming interface (API) to connect platforms to Kount. 
  • Your development team can connect your mobile app with a software development kit (SDK). 
  • You can launch Kount via an existing platform integration. We have already established connections to dozens of payment processors, gateways, CRMs, and ecommerce platforms.

We strive for complete flexibility. We want our technology to work with your existing processes, resources, and abilities. So there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to integration. We recommend you reach out to our team to learn more about what the integration process would look like for your business.

Yes! Kount works with thousands of clients all over the world. Our solution is compatible with all currencies. Also, our technology is designed to comply with all region-specific data and privacy requirements. 

Yes! Kount offers flexible, efficient, accurate automation. 

Our team of experts can help you determine how much or how little you want to automate. Create a strategy that is high-touch, set-it-and-forget it, or somewhere in between. 

Because we have an intuitive, easy-to-use platform — with unlimited user accounts — your team can adjust your strategy at any time. You always have full control over what the technology manages. 

Learn more about our automation and all the unique features that go into it. 

Nope! Our database has already stored nearly two decades worth of insights. Once the integration process is complete and your Kount solutions are activated, you’ll have immediate results.  

Kount uses a combination of rules, data, and machine learning to make decisions. So, we're more than just a rules-based solution. While we pride ourselves on the unique and robust data that fuels our powerful machine learning, we also need rules to combine all the elements together.

Think of it like this: you can drive a car without signs, driving rules, traffic lights, or markings on the road, but you may have difficulty getting exactly where you want to go. However, if you have a set of rules and guidelines to follow, you'll have an easier time reaching your destination, and the journey to get there will be way more efficient.

No matter what you might hear, all fraud detection technology on the market today uses rules to make decisions. The difference with Kount is that you get complete customization over the rules and policies you set up. 

For example, if you want to set up additional rules specific to certain items — such as products or services that are more prone to fraud or merchandise that has unique shipping requirements — you can! With us, there are no limitations.

Learn more about fraud detection rules on our blog!

Both are an option — you can fully customize your strategy or we can help. 

During the onboarding process, your dedicated customer success manager can help you set and customize your policies based on your industry and business workflows. 

Kount also offers ongoing consulting and managed services. If you’d like help maintaining your policies — identifying emerging opportunities, responding to threats, testing different strategies — our team can help. 

If you’d rather do all your own policy creation, that’s fine too. All policies can be set and edited from within our platform.

Policies can be changed, added, or removed at any time. Decisioning will instantly reflect your updates. 

Visit our policies page to learn more.

Yes! Kount is PCI-DSS level 1 compliant. We also conduct a Type 2 Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 compliance audit each year. Additionally, we are GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA compliant. 

Visit our compliance page to learn more.


What our clients are saying

"If every business had Kount, fraudulent ecommerce wouldn’t be nearly as lucrative to criminals. The product works, and working with Kount’s customer support has been one of the best professional experiences I’ve had."


Mark Van Vliet

VP of Strategic Initiatives

"We were suffering from serious fraud attacks and our previous software was canceling good orders — and letting through fraud. With Kount, our chargebacks went down from 5-6% to under 1% within 6 months."


Dennis L.

Fraud Prevention Coordinator

"Kount allows us to continue to serve the customer to the best of our ability without having to slow things down, without having to say no to the customer."


Chad Funk

Fraud Specialist


See how your business can benefit from fraud detection

Thousands of companies from all over the world use Kount for fraud detection and prevention. Will you be next? Sign up for a demo today, and see what it’s like to have confidence in every interaction. 

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Detecting and preventing fraud in any industry

Thousands of brands in countless industries around the world use Kount’s fraud monitoring to ensure safe, secure interactions.


Ecommerce fraud prevention

Kount helps online stores grow confidently with tools specifically designed to meet evolving customer expectations and block emerging fraud attacks. Personalize offers, rewards, and promotions to improve loyalty.

Fintech Industry Image

Fintechs and financial institutions

We minimize risks for your entire merchant portfolio. Our solutions include business verification, authorization optimization, regulatory reporting, and chargeback management software. 

Streaming industry

Streaming services

Let Kount help with every aspect of streaming fraud. From account takeover to password sharing and beyond, we can keep your business safe and profitable. Plus, find ways to improve services offerings without adding more risk.

Direct Sales Industry image

Direct sales

Use Kount to address all your different audiences. Sell more to potential customers with consumer insights, keep consultants honest, and stop criminals from reselling your products.

Restaurant industry


We block restaurant fraud with automated, efficient, accurate solutions. Meet customer expectations for online ordering and mobile apps without worrying about new forms of fraud.

Heath and beauty industry

Health and beauty

Kount helps merchants stay profitable and protected, especially when margins are tight. Defend both your reputation and your bottom line with a complete solution for fraud and chargebacks.

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Kount 360 dashboard on ipad


Data and analytics

Are you wanting to upgrade your fraud detection and prevention strategy? It’s important to understand not all fraud detection systems are the same. Make sure you find a platform with robust reporting and analytics. 

Data analysis is the key to sustainable, long-term success. With data, you can make educated decisions. Without data, you’re left with hunches, guesses, and assumptions. 

Want to learn more about Kount’s digital identity data? Check our features page.



Chargeback protection

If you are needing a solution for payment fraud, you are probably also interested in chargeback protection. And Kount can help with both. 

Our fraud protection software is different from other platforms that try to hide behind expensive chargeback insurance policies. Rather than offer a deceptive chargeback guarantee full of undisclosed limitations, we solve problems at their source so you have actual protection — not just the appearance of it. 

And by providing a complete dispute management system, you’ll have everything you need in one easy-to-use platform.

  • Friendly fraud prevention tools to resolve disputes before they become chargebacks
  • Quick and effective results to avoid chargeback monitoring programs
  • Chargeback response tactics with the highest win rates and best revenue recovery possible
  • Detailed analytics to identify issues and solve problems at their source


average increase in win rates


average reduction in labor hours


average return on investment


Easy ecommerce integrations

Are you looking for fraud prevention for an ecommerce store? Kount has direct integrations with all the major ecommerce platforms. Whether you want a Shopify fraud prevention app, Woo Commerce extension, or something in between, Kount can help.

Get started quickly and easily. 

  • No time-consuming sales calls
  • No complicated contracts or long-term commitments
  • No integration work required
Ecommerce integration step #1


Select Kount as your fraud detection solution.

Ecommerce integration step 2


Activate the connection between Kount & your ecommerce platform.

Ecommerce integration step 3


Start protecting your business. You can be up and running in a matter of hours.


Customized solutions

Lots of merchants come to Kount for traditional risk management solutions — like payment fraud prevention. But we also help with unique and non-traditional challenges too. 

Need help with a common type of fraud like card testing fraud? Or e-gift card fraud? Want account takeover prevention? Great. Kount has what you need. Want help with emerging threats like elder fraud abuse or refund fraud? Don’t worry. Kount can cover that too. 

Sign up for a demo today to learn about Kount’s customized solutions and how to create a strategy that perfectly fits your business goals.


Scalable and flexible

We understand your business is growing and evolving. You need a solution that fits your processes, resources, and abilities both today and in the future. That’s why we offer a flexible solution that keeps pace with your business.

Whatever business updates you are considering, we’ll be there to help. 

  • Addition of ecommerce sales, a mobile app, or other digital enablement
  • Introduction of new inventory or product types like digital goods or services
  • Interest in new sales methods like subscriptions, free trials, social media selling, etc.
  • Expansion to new global markets and the compliance that goes along with them (like PSD2, GDPR, strong customer authentication, etc.)

 Want to learn more about our scalable solutions? Sign up for a demo today.


Client testimonials

Want to know how our fraud detection software could help you? Check out some of our case studies to see how our technology has helped businesses just like yours.

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When PetMeds started experiencing more sophisticated fraud attacks, they knew they needed to update their internal fraud processes. Once they implemented Kount, they saw almost immediate results — fraud dropped dramatically the day after launching our solution.

Kount gives PetMeds peace of mind that all their transactions are protected. In turn, the business can grow confidently without worries of additional risk.

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Two people looking over a sheet of paper


As a small business, DisputeBee doesn’t have the time or resources to focus their efforts on fraud management. When the company started to grow, so did the amount of fraud they experienced. But they couldn’t keep up — which is why they came to Kount.

With Kount, DisputeBee can automate fraud prevention to whatever degree fits their needs. For them, that means automating every aspect of the process — giving them time back to focus on business growth.

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AMC Takes Fraud Customization to New Levels With Kount


Everything Cineplanet does for the business is about giving their customers the best movie-going experience possible. As a leader in the industry, Cineplanet strives to constantly improve technologies and ecommerce operations.

With Kount, Cineplanet can achieve their mission of delivering extraordinary experiences to customers while ensuring the safety of their ecommerce platform.

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Kount for Fetch

Fetch Rewards

Before coming to Kount, Fetch Rewards struggled with promotion abuse and spent way too many hours trying conducting manual reviews to mitigate the issue. However, those hours of labor still couldn’t control the problem.

After implementing Kount, Fetch Rewards significantly reduced manual reviews and achieved record growth — all thanks to Kount’s fraud detection and prevention technology.

Kount dashboard


Ready to detect and prevent fraud?

Kount is the industry's leading trust and safety solution. We can help detect and prevent the fraud threats that your business is dealing with. Sign up for a demo today to learn more.