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Cover letter

Transaction information

Order information

Proof of service or delivery

Customer service notes

Website images

Terms & conditions


How to Write a Chargeback Response

Fighting chargebacks can be a time-consuming, labor-intensive process — if you try to do it on your own. But with Kount's help, it’s easy to recover lost revenue. Download this template and see how simple it can be.

  • Simplify processes
  • Increase efficiency
  • Improve win rates
  • Boost ROI
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Are you ready to fight chargebacks and recover lost revenue? You’ll need to create professional, compelling, and compliant chargeback responses. Kount provides a sample chargeback response package to help you understand what it takes to win. If fighting chargebacks is challenging or you aren’t experiencing the results you expect, contact our team of experts. We can remove the complexities that are holding you back.


Cover letter

Progress 1

Start your response with a cover letter. Your letter should introduce the chargeback response package and give an overview of the important information it contains.

1-Business name

At the top of your letter, include details that will help the reader match your response to the chargeback you are challenging.

To whom it may concern

Use a professional salutation.


Give a brief description of your business, the goods or services you sell, and the environment in which they are purchased (online, over the phone, as part of a subscription, etc.).

4-Reference policies

Reference your customer service policies and mention that you would have been willing to work with the customer directly if given the opportunity.

5-Help readers understand

Help the readers understand the context of the transaction and the resulting dispute.

6-Formally state

Formally state what you want to happen — which is to overturn the dispute.

7-Collect evidence

Collect compelling evidence that is specific to the reason code and customer experience.

8-Concisely explain

Concisely explain the compelling evidence that is included in your dispute response, and point out the particularly important elements.

9-Summarize argument

Summarize your argument and restate your objective — to overturn the chargeback.

10-Thank you

Use a professional and courteous closing.

11-Contact info

Share your contact information in case the reader needs to follow up on your submission.


Transaction information

Progress 2

In this section, include technical details relating to the transaction.

12-Transaction details

Be sure to include information that helps prove your case — like positive AVS, card security code, and 3D Secure responses.


Order information

Progress 3

Share order information provided by the customer.

13-Order information

Details provided here should be specific to the chargeback. For example, shipping details aren’t relevant if the customer purchased digital goods.


Proof of service or delivery

Progress 4

You sold something to the customer. Now you have to prove you actually provided that item as promised. Use this section to share proof of service or delivery.

14-Proof of delivery

The type of evidence you include here will depend on what you sold. 


  • Screenshot of the carrier's delivery confirmation notice


  • A copy of the signed contract


  • Usage logs or login information


Order history or customer service notes

Progress 5

Include documents or screenshots that show the interactions you had with the customer.

15-Contact interactions

Examples of things you might include in this section are:

  • Screenshots of chat conversations
  • Screenshots of email conversations
  • Transcripts of phone calls
  • Screenshots of order history


Website images

Progress 6

Give a visual explanation of the customer’s experience. Highlight what you promised and what the customer agreed to.

Website images

Capture the most important steps in the customer journey. Examples of things you may want to include are:

  • The product page
  • The checkout page
  • Billing and shipping information
  • The order confirmation page


Terms and conditions

Progress 7

Help the reader understand the rules and expectations you’ve laid out for the customer.

Website T&C

Be selective. Only include relevant information that relates to the transaction. Examples of information you may want to include are:

  • Return or cancellation policy
  • Refund information
  • Purchase agreements


Want to make chargeback responses even easier?

Contact us today and we’ll show you how Kount removes the complexities of payment disputes so you can focus on what matters most: growing your business.

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