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Reason Code P01 - Unassigned Card Number

Chargeback Reason Codes / Amex / P01 - Unassigned Card Number


Why did I receive this chargeback?

You have processed a transaction using an invalid or otherwise incorrect card number.

Note: You can resubmit the transaction if you can provide the correct card number.


What compelling evidence is needed to respond?

Your chargeback response must include at least one of the following items:

  • If the card number was correct, provide a copy of the card imprint, a copy of the charge record from the terminal that electronically read the card number, or proof you received an authorization approval.
  • If you have already processed a refund for the transaction in question, provide documentation that proves you have credited the cardholder’s account.


How can I avoid this chargeback in the future?

  • Always request authorization before completing a transaction.
  • If an authorization request is denied, stop the transaction and ask for an alternate form of payment.
  • Always swipe or dip a card—only use fall-back options in emergency situations.

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