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Reason Code RG - Non-Receipt of Goods, Services, or Cash

Chargeback Reason Codes / Discover / RG - Non-Receipt of Goods, Services, or Cash


Why did I receive this chargeback?

The customer claims you didn’t provide the goods, services, or cash as promised.

Time Limit

How long can the issuer wait to file a chargeback?

The maximum amount of time that can pass between the scheduled delivery date and the chargeback processing date is 120 calendar days. However, the chargeback processing date can not be more than 540 days after the transaction processing date. 

If a delivery date was not specified, the chargeback must be initiated within 120 days of the transaction processing date. However, the issuer must wait at least 15 days after the transaction processing date to initiate the chargeback. 

The timeline may be extended if the issuer first submitted a retrieval request. If the retrieval request process finishes after the 120 day deadline, the issuer will have an additional 30 days to file a chargeback.


What compelling evidence is needed to respond?

Examples of compelling evidence that you may submit in response to a chargeback with this reason code include:

  • Proof that the cardholder agreed to the card transaction, cash advance, or cash at checkout
  • Proof that you delivered the goods or services as promised
  • Proof that the cardholder used the disputed airline ticket
  • Proof that the cardholder’s application for a lost ticket is not valid 
  • Proof that the cardholder received the requested cash
  • Letters, emails, photographs, faxes, or other written communications exchanged with the cardholder
  • Receipts, work orders, or other documents signed by the cardholder proving that the cardholder received the goods or services
  • A site-to-store pick-up form signed by the cardholder or a copy of the cardholder’s identification
  • Proof of delivery or other evidence that the goods or services were delivered according to the cardholder’s wishes
  • Confirmation of registration to receive electronic delivery of goods or services
  • Digital usage logs with information such as the cardholder’s email, IP address, date and time of download, description of goods downloaded, and other forms of evidence that prove the receipt of downloaded materials on or after the transaction date
  • Proof that the chargeback is invalid because it doesn’t adhere to Discover’s requirements
  • Proof you have already refunded the transaction and credited the cardholder’s account


How can I avoid this chargeback in the future?

  • Always respond to retrieval requests on time and with the required information. 
  • Abide by the delivery date you promised.
  • Have merchandise ready for pickup at the time you specified it would be available.
  • Make sure you accurately describe the services that will be provided.
  • Don’t charge the card until the merchandise has been shipped.
  • Notify the customer as soon as possible if merchandise is out of stock or the delivery will be delayed.

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