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Customer Confidence in Direct Sales and Network Marketing

The accelerated adoption of e-commerce in the last several years pushed more businesses — and customers — online than ever. That mass web migration exposed businesses to new customers and new demands, especially in the $55 billion direct sales industry.

Once upon a time, customers relied on person-to-person connections. Today they’re purchasing products online and over social networks. So we surveyed 800 consumers in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom to learn more about how they feel when buying products and services online from direct sales and network marketing companies directly.

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Download the survey to learn more about:

  • Customer experiences and confidence levels when purchasing from direct sales companies online
  • What would increase consumer confidence in online purchases from direct sales companies
  • How many customers have started selling for direct sales companies since buying their products
  • If customers have ever disputed purchases from direct sales companies and why
  • How often customers see ads from direct sales companies and if those ads are targeted enough to their interests


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