
Request an online demo

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Ecommerce fraud prevention that is easy, effective, and accurate

Finally, a solution for ecommerce fraud prevention that will stop fraudsters without turning away legitimate customers. Equip your online store with the power to detect and prevent multiple types of fraud in real time.

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Get a personalized online demo of Kount's trust and safety technology at a time and date of your choosing.

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Serving thousands of online businesses just like yours


Fraud prevention integrations with the biggest ecommerce platforms

Kount has direct integrations with the industry’s biggest ecommerce platforms. Whether you want a Shopify fraud prevention app, Woo Commerce extension, or something in between, Kount can help.

Get up and running with just a click of a button. All the development work has already been done. No integration required! 

Ecommerce integration step #1


Select Kount as your ecomerce fraud detection solution.

Ecommerce integration step 2


Activate the connection between Kount & your ecommerce platform.

Ecommerce integration step 3


Start protecting your business. You can be up and running in a matter of hours.

Kount dashboard

Not using one of our integrated ecommerce platforms? That’s fine! Kount’s flexible technology is designed to work with your existing processes, resources, and abilities — whatever those may be. Schedule a call with our team today to discuss the best integration strategy for your business.

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Real-life example of Kount’s fraud protection

For decades, GNC’s purpose has been to help people around the world live well. And in order to meet that goal, GNC needs the right partners in place to make sure the business is successful. And Kount is one of those vital partners. Kount offers a complete solution to detect and prevent fraud, delivering confidence at every point along the customer journey.


What you can expect from Kount

Our clients experience significant improvements in multiple metrics. We don’t solve just part of the problem — we offer a complete solution. 

  • Increase approval rates.
  • Boost revenue and conversion rates.
  • Improve customer satisfaction.
  • Enhance efficiency and employee morale.
  • Increase decision accuracy
  • Protect business reputation and longevity
  • Lower false positives.
  • Block fraud and chargebacks.
  • Reduce friction.
  • Reduce manual processes.
  • Eliminate hunches and guesses.
  • Avoid penalties and fines.