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How do Order Insight and Consumer Clarity work?
Here at Kount®, Order Insight and Consumer Clarity are collectively referred to as order validation.
Essentially, when a customer has uncertainty about a purchase, order validation gives banks additional information about a transaction to relay to the customer.
The goal is to clear up confusion about a purchase so that a customer does not mistakenly file a dispute — preventing a chargeback without issuing a refund or sacrificing revenue.
Order validation explained
When banks review purchases, typically they only see a fraction of the transaction details. Order validation provides banks with additional information about the purchase.
Check out the amount of information that's available with and without order validation.
- Card number
- Card brand
- Transaction ID
- Acquirer reference number (ARN)
- Retrieval reference number
- Transaction type
- Transaction date
- Transaction amount
- Jurisdiction
- Issuer
- Cardholder name
- Acquirer
- Merchant
- Location
Merchant information
- Business name
- Address
- Website
- Customer service phone number or email
Customer information
- Cardholder’s name
- Email address
- Phone number
- Customer-specific notes
Product details
- Product name
- Product description
- Additional notes
Order details
- Order ID
- Payment type
- Price
- Tax
- Purchase date
- IP address
- Location
- Device name
- Device ID
- Quantity of items purchased
- Issuer
- AVS, CVV, and 3D Secure response codes
- Refund status
Delivery & usage details
- Usage location
- Usage frequency
- Shipping address
- Carrier
- Signature confirmation
Customer service notes
- Date of contact
- Method of contact
- Customer service agent
- Type of communication
- Notes on file
Recent purchases
- Purchase date
- Amount
- Currency
- Item purchased
Order validation example
John signs up for an online music streaming platform that bills monthly. A few months later, he forgets about the subscription. When he checks his bank statements, he notices a couple charges that he doesn’t recognize because the transaction information doesn’t mention the name of the streaming service.
John calls his bank to dispute the charges. When the bank looks into the issue, they can see exactly where the charges came from, when they were made, order numbers, and more. They relay these details to John who then remembers signing up for the service — and stops trying to dispute the transactions.
Essentially, the bank helps resolve disputes on your behalf — which helps you avoid chargebacks without using your own resources.
Here’s a visual of the workflow.

Check out our order validation page to learn more.
Want to see if order validation is right for your business?
Schedule a call with our sales team to learn more about Kount's technology and how it can reduce the risk of chargebacks. Find out if order validation is a good fit for your business.