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Order Insight: How to Resolve Disputes & Prevent Chargebacks

Jessica Velasco | Thursday, March 23rd, 2023 | 11 minutes

Order Insight is a collaboration tool that helps prevent friendly fraud chargebacks. It is an integral part of the Visa® initiative to streamline and modernize the dispute management process.

Find out how Order Insight can help your business resolve payment disputes and stop chargebacks from happening.

  • What is Order Insight?
  • How Does Order Insight Differ From RDR and Prevention Alerts?
  • Why Should I Use Order Insight?
  • How Does Order Insight Work?

What is Order Insight?

Order Insight is an upgrade to a previously-established platform called Visa Merchant Purchase Inquiry (VMPI).

  • WHAT: Order Insight is a platform that shares detailed transaction information with issuers in real time.
  • HOW: The issuing bank requests additional information about a specific transaction through Order Insight. Order Insight allows the details to be shared with the issuer in real time. The issuer uses this information to help clarify the purchase with the customer.
  • WHY: If an issuer can better understand the order details associated with a transaction, there is a chance to “talk off” the dispute so it won’t advance to a chargeback.

Order Insight as a part of Visa CE 3.0

Visa CE 3.0 is a new initiative to prevent fraud and chargebacks. Order Insight plays an important role in the new policy updates. Visit our Visa CE 3.0 guide to learn more.

Why Should I Use Order Insight?

Order Insight can benefit your business in several different ways.

reduce chargebacks

Reduce Chargeback Rates

Order Insight is estimated to stop up to 64% of disputes from becoming chargebacks. This means you’ll have a reduced chargeback rate, lower risk of threshold breaches, and a protected merchant account.

Protect revenue

Retain More Revenue

Order Insight resolves disputes without sacrificing revenue. Once a customer recognizes and understands the charge, a credit is no longer necessary. This means Order Insight has a high return on investment (ROI).

Reduce time

Take Quick Action

With Order Insight, you’ll know about a customer complaint within seconds. Without Order Insight, you won’t know there is a problem until you receive the chargeback — which will come 2-5 weeks after the dispute. Identifying issues early means you can solve problems quicker and prevent more disputes from happening.

order fulfillment

Save Fulfillment Costs For Disputed Orders

Often, a customer will dispute a purchase before you’ve fulfilled it. Since Order Insight alerts you to disputes in real time, it’s possible to stop fulfillment before the products go out. This means you can retain fulfillment, shipping, and product costs.

customer service

Improve the Customer Experience

By being more responsive and supportive, you’ll improve the customer experience and increase perceived value.

CRM icon

Reduce Administrative Tasks

Because Order Insight is fully automated, your team doesn’t have to be involved in the resolution process. And, if you prevent more chargebacks, you’ll have fewer chargebacks to manage and fight. Plus, you’ll already have a head start on collecting compelling evidence so you can fight chargebacks with greater efficiency.

How Does Order Insight Differ From RDR and Prevention Alerts?

Rapid Dispute Resolution (RDR) is another Visa tool that helps reduce chargebacks.

These two new tools, along with other brand-specific platforms, can be added to any chargeback management strategy to provide more complete protection. When used in this order, the tools complement each other as a dispute progresses from one stage to the next.




Identity verification

  • AVS
  • CVV
  • 3D Secure
  • Kount


Fraud detection

  • Kount


Order validation

  • Order Insight (Visa via Kount)
  • Consumer Clarity (Mastercard via Kount)


Prevention alerts


Dispute refunds

  • Rapid Dispute Resolution (Visa via Kount)
  • Collaboration (Mastercard via Kount)


Chargeback response

  • DisputeFlow (Kount)


Analytics and reporting

  • In-depth analytics (Kount)
  • Real-time reporting (Kount)

How Does Order Insight Work?

Three things need to happen if you want to use Order Insight to its fullest potential.



If you are interested in using Order Insight, you can integrate with the platform through a facilitator. Kount is a preferred facilitator for Order Insight and offers this tool along with fraud detection, prevention alerts, analytics, reporting, and chargeback responses.

Order Insight with Kount

For best results, you’ll want to connect Order Insight with your order management system (OMS or CRM). This enables Order Insight to share the maximum amount of information possible with the issuer. The more information shared, the greater insight the issuer will have, and the better the chance of talking off the dispute.

If you are ready to start the integration process, contact Kount today.


Receive & Respond to Inquiries

When a customer contacts a participating bank to dispute a purchase, the bank will first consult Order Insight.

Order Insight is incorporated into Visa Resolve Online (VROL) — the platform that issuing and acquiring banks use to manage payments and disputes. In VROL, issuers can access Order Insight to send an inquiry.

Order Insight will retrieve transaction information through your integration with Kount. In just two seconds, the issuer’s request will be sent, fulfilled, and returned.

It is important to note that the Order Insight response is sent automatically. You don’t need to do anything — the technology will work on your behalf to resolve disputes and prevent chargebacks.

The Order Insight process works like this:

Order Insight Conversation

There are hundreds of different pieces of information that can be sent through Order Insight. The following are examples of some of the options available. 

This section includes information that could help the customer recognize the purchase and/or your business.

  • Business name
  • Address
  • Website
  • Customer service phone number or email

These fields will share the information that you have on file about the customer.

  • Cardholder’s name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Any other customer-specific notes

You can share details you have stored in your CRM or OMS relating to the disputed purchase.

  • Order ID
  • Payment type
  • Price
  • Tax
  • Purchase date
  • IP address
  • Location
  • Device name
  • Device ID
  • Quantity of items purchased
  • Payment card BIN and last four digits
  • AVS, CVV, and 3D Secure response codes
  • Whether or not the purchase was refunded

These fields contain details about the product or products purchased.

  • Product name
  • Description
  • Price
  • URL
  • Any other additional notes or images

You have the opportunity to share usage details for digital goods and delivery details for orders that include physical goods.

  • Usage location
  • Usage frequency
  • Shipping address
  • Carrier
  • Signature confirmation

This section allows you to share details about how the customer interacted with your business before, during, and after the purchase.

  • Date of contact
  • Method of contact
  • Customer service agent
  • Type of communication (you contacting the customer or the customer contacting you)
  • Other notes on file

You can also share details about other purchases the customer has made with your business.

  • Purchase date
  • Amount
  • Currency
  • Item purchased

You don’t need to send all this information. However, the more you send, the better your chance of preventing the chargeback.


Analyze Outcomes

The final step is perhaps the most important: analyze your Order Insight data.

Data analysis is one of the most helpful dispute management tools available, but it is also the most commonly overlooked.

Every transaction dispute — whether it is resolved through Order Insight or progresses to a chargeback — contains a wealth of valuable information. You can use your Order Insight data to do two things:

1. Understand why disputes are happening. As you analyze your data over time, you’ll detect patterns and norms for your business. Then, anything that differs from the norm indicates a hidden issue that needs to be resolved. By solving these issues at the source, you can prevent future disputes.

For example, an unusually high volume of disputes for a single product could indicate issues with fulfillment. Or data might reveal some countries are higher risk than others.

2. Calculate and optimize your ROI. Monitor your Order Insight outcomes and compare them to your costs. Work to improve the accuracy of your prevention strategy to increase the return on investment.

Here are some things you might want to monitor:

  • Which issuing banks sent the most Order Insight requests? Which issuing banks resolved the most and least disputes through Order Insight?
  • How many disputes did Order Insight successfully resolve?
  • How many cases progressed to Rapid Dispute Resolution (RDR) after Order Insight? How much time passed before the case escalated? Were there additional touchpoints with the customer after Order Insight but before RDR?
  • How many cases progressed to a chargeback? What were the most commonly used reason codes for chargebacks issued after Order Insight?
  • Which pieces of data were most effective at resolving disputes through Order Insight?

Unfortunately, communication through Order Insight is a one-way street; you can share information with issuers, but issuers don’t respond with final outcomes. Therefore, it is very important that you monitor your own data. Without it, you won’t be able to fully benefit from this valuable tool.

However, data analysis is a very time-consuming process if you have to first collect and compile the data. That’s why your Order Insight facilitator should provide the information for you. Then, all you need to do is put it to good use.

Ready to Get Started?

Order Insight is changing the way the payment industry manages disputes. If you are ready to join the revolution and add this helpful tool to your management strategy, Kount can help.

At Kount, we aim to remove the complexity of payment disputes. Not only do we simplify integration and data analysis for Order Insight, we also make it easy to create a comprehensive management strategy from a single platform. Whether you want to prevent chargebacks or respond and recover revenue, Kount has the tools you need to succeed.

Sign up for a demo today, and get started.

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Jessica Velasco

Content Manager for Marketing

For nearly a decade, Jessica Velasco has been a thought leader in the payment dispute industry. She aims to provide readers with valuable, easy-to-understand resources.