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How Aftermarket Auto Parts Cuts Chargeback Rate with Kount

Two men looking at auto parts
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> 1%

chargeback rate


reduction in manual reviews


uptime since using Kount

Aftermarket Auto Parts* is a multi-million-dollar online merchant that specializes in import auto parts and aftermarket accessories.


Too much fraud. Too little time.

Like many online merchants, Aftermarket Auto Parts started out as a brick-and-mortar operation but later moved to a digital marketplace. After successfully growing their ecommerce business with very little fraud during the first few years, they started getting fraudulent orders for thousands of dollars —  resulting in costly chargebacks. 

To combat the fraud, team members increased manual reviews — which meant they were reviewing 25% to 30% of orders. There was no way for Aftermarket Auto Parts to keep up with fraud and continue growth, so they started looking for a fraud prevention provider to get the issue under control.



All-in-one, easy-to-manage fraud prevention.

When Aftermarket Auto Parts went looking for a solution they found lots of companies that offered chargeback guarantees — but they were expensive and restrictive on decisioning. After evaluating multiple fraud prevention providers, the company chose Kount for its unique technology features, extensive data, and customizable automation. 

As soon as they deployed Kount, the company saw a dramatic drop in fraud — without any disruptions to the customer checkout experience. What’s more, Aftermarket Auto Parts has complete control over which orders are approved or declined.



Less chargebacks. More time for business growth.

Since implementing Kount, Aftermarket Auto Parts has saved thousands of dollars in fraud losses and chargebacks. They’ve reduced chargeback to less than 1% —  eliminating the risk of enrollment in chargeback monitoring programs — while cutting manual reviews down by 70%. 

And because Kount works seamlessly with their checkout platform, they haven’t had any problems with downtime. In fact, they’ve experienced 100% uptime since implementing Kount. Less disruptions mean better experiences for customers and more sales.



Kount is a one-stop fraud prevention system. You don’t have to worry about figuring out what other systems you might need. It does it all. It is definitely worth the investment.

— Ecommerce Manager, Aftermarket Auto Parts

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Stay ahead of fraud so time is never wasted

Let Kount’s experts handle risks. You focus on growth.

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* Our customer asked that their name be anonymous.