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How Bodybuilding.com Reduced Chargebacks and Order Declines with Kount

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decrease in chargebacks


decrease in declined orders


increase in transactions

Bodybuilding.com is the world’s largest online fitness store — offering fitness tips, supplements, nutrition advice, and more. Helping customers achieve their goals is the brand’s focus. And ensuring customers have a safe, seamless experience on the brand’s site is crucial for success.


More growth. New problems.

BodyBuilding before Kount

As Bodybuilding.com has grown — advancing market shares, increasing transaction volumes, and expanding into global markets — the company has faced new challenges.


Declining orders from good customers

To minimize potential risks, Bodybuilding.com set up filters to block orders from countries with high fraud rates. Meanwhile, members of the U.S. Armed Forces stationed overseas tried purchasing the same Bodybuilding.com products they enjoyed at home. But because they were in high-risk countries, the company declined many of those orders.


Illegitimate product resale

Fraudsters started buying products from Bodybuilding.com with stolen cards so that they could resell those products on eBay — which drastically increased chargebacks.


The most effective way to solve fraud.

When choosing fraud prevention software, Bodybuilding.com sought out a solution that would be accurate, effective, and improve customer experiences. Kount was the only provider that could fulfill those needs. Kount’s solution seamlessly connected with Bodybuilding.com’s order management system — providing a smooth integration for the team and transparent experiences for customers. 

Kount technology helped distinguish legitimate, on-base military purchases from potentially fraudulent transactions in countries with high fraud rates. Further, the Kount team worked with Bodybuilding.com to help create specific rules and transaction tracking that dramatically reduced the resale fraud on eBay.

BodyBuilding after Kount


Less chargebacks. More good orders.

After two months with Kount, Bodybuilding.com saw a drastic reduction in chargebacks, a 14% decrease in declined orders, and an increase in overall transactions processed. And because Kount technology can automate decisions, Bodybuilding.com noticed improvements in operational efficiencies. All while giving customers a better, safer online experience.


Implementing the Kount fraud solution was very simple. And achieving these great results in such a short time has exceeded our expectations. With Kount’s technology and expertise on our side, we feel we can confidently move into new and exciting markets.

— Michael McClane, COO, Bodybuilding.com

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Don’t let fraud take away your hard-earned revenue

Want to experience results like Bodybuilding.com? Sign up for a demo of Kount today. Let our experts do what we do best, so you can get back to what you do best. 

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